Time travels way faster than we think. It advances from a second to minute, from an hour till a day gets over. Ultimately, it leads to the completion of a whole year. In this era, where technology advances every single second, it becomes difficult for an individual to take care of himself, who thrives for growth. Plethora of opportunities are paved on his path of life and he craves to grab it with elegance and brain. And, why not? If he has worked hard for ages, he truly deserves the best.
Being a U.G. student, mentor, career counselor and a full-time blogger, it is a daunting task to maintain my own self. My perennial state of mind would always scream, “I am hungry.” or “I am tired.” But, I have always kept my curvaceous smile intact. There’s absolutely no doubt that, herbal/natural/Ayurvedic products are a boon for my skin, but at the very same time, what helps me stay “Happy-go-lucky” all the time is, self-confidence. I believe that, being sexy is being confident.
Let’s be real. Don’t we say, “First impression is always the last impression.”? What makes me smile confidently while seeing myself in the mirror every single day? Nope, it is not always about the frequent visits to my favourite café or pampering my skin with Ayurvedic products. Don’t you think a nicely worn dress makes you feel good about life? You know what, these little things make a huge difference in life. Yes, you guessed it right. My new blog post is about fashion. But, this is not your regular blog post about fashion products. This one, is slightly different. It not only includes the intricate details of a particular outfit, but also I have suggested some styling methods and the perfect occasion to wear those.
So today I am going to discuss about a very simple yet, important genre of fashion, that is, “Comfort wear”. Have you ever been in a situation where you have to look good and at the same time, save time to get ready and walk the ramp. Oh wait! What did I just say? Haha. The last phrase was meant to indicate walking an unpredicted phase of life in a minute. Thinking about that kind of situation? Yes, you guessed it right. Your BFF may just call you out all of a sudden and if you don’t reach out to her in a minute, she would definitely attempt suicide. Happens with me, every single time. Lol. Let’s see how I handle such situations gracefully.
My mom loves cooking and her Instagram feed looks LIT with home-made delicacies. So we thought of buying some ingredients from Spencer’s as it was already getting late and my dad is a disciplined person. He prefers having lunch before 1 o’clock and we are kinda lazy people. Either day-dreaming or scrolling our feed unnecessarily, like hours or so. Haha. So, we had to gear up ourselves. It was already 10 A.M. and we had to rush towards the mall, soon.

Hence, I had to wear something, which is absolutely comfortable. Something, which will not create menace while carrying the shopping basket from one place to another. Oh yeah! I do have a phobia of falling down hehe.
So, I wore a “Not-so well-known brand” named “GAME Sportswear”. It has a tradition for over 35 years. GAME has always promised highest quality standard for constituents in active apparel, team apparel, outer wear and work wear. They also boast of a reliable history of quality service and competitively priced products.
An X-L (Extra large) tee- shirt perfectly tailored with “Pure” cotton can promise you with utmost comfort and guess what, my grandfather used to wear this almost eight years back and doesn’t it look brand new? Oh yes! It does.
Where did I get this comfortable tee? Yes! Only Calcutta-ians can answer it correctly. You can get it at, S.S. Hogg Market, which is situated in Esplanade named area of Kolkata. (And that too, at a very nominal rate. So hog on soon!)

Guess what? I dwell in trial room for hours. Yes! You guessed it right. Innumerable selfies, endless gossips over phone and knowing brands in depth. This gives rise to #TrialRoomDiaries. Isn’t it? I spoke your heart out haha.
Let’s know a little bit about this brand named as “Gas Jeans”.
The brand was launched with glitz and glam in the era of 70s. Claudio Grotto of Italy created this awestruck company and since then, it has been a trendsetter. Since 1984, Grotto Group has been involved in the matter of designing, manufacturing and distributing outfits with GAS. It has some great collection of jeans (for which it is popular among people).
Ever since then, GAS outfits have grabbed eyes of youngsters as well as middle-aged people, not only because it is comfortable, but it has the capability to grace its presence on all occasions. With a combination of a Havana Revolution-inspired print and a crew neck, this cotton T-shirt makes for an excellent casual wear option.

Mandatory details about my outfit from GASJeans:
Colour: WHITE
Why is this outfit dyed with pigments? Well, this process is carried out so that, one can visualise its singularity and preciousness.
RECOMMENDED: Wash the garments separately and avoid contact with light coloured clothing to avoid staining.
It is advisable to wear GASJeans during shopping or random parties or you can even sneak out with your girlfriend with style and ease. Jokes apart, you can pair it up with authentic jeans of GASJeans brand. A trouser would also do well. Have some suggestions? The comment box is always open for you.

Last, but not the least. This brand will always be the biggest daddy of comfort wear. Be it a football match or a random get-together, U.S. Polo Assassin will always embrace its genuine spirit and authenticity throughout the world. Let’s get to know about it first.
U.S. Polo Assn. is the official brand of United States Polo Association, the governing body for the sport of polo in the States since 1890. Yes! That defines the culture and heritage of the brand. Their products are being sold in over 135 countries at independent retail stores, convenience stores and brand stores.

100% cotton is what Aritro adores the most and it is so comfortable that you will surely prefer wearing it, almost everytime. This true navy blue T-shirt did wonders for me, during a party I attended almost a month ago. Quite helpful whilemoving your hips, I swear .
While ordering this great stuff, do keep in mind the style number i.e., USTS5708. I got this T-Shirt in Pantaloons. If you wanna buy it online, go for their own website for getting the “Real” stuff.

Really comfy Style up ideas !!! Thanks please do a Haul !!! then You will surely be in the Hall of Fame of the best Fashion Bloggers !! ProTip : Avoid selfies , tell someone else to take a pic of yours !! That’s it !! Good write up … Thumbs up 👍
Thank you so much, my dearest sister.
Amazing and beautiful post. Looking smart in the attire. The men outfits is so classy. Great thoughts.
Thank you.
Stylish and comfy at the same time. And ya we all have a trial room story. I generally take long time to decide which one is good and which one doesn’t fit well
Haha. Same happens with me.
Wow smarty boy, you rock in all the outfit. You most do more apparel post.
I’ll surely do. Thank you.
classy and fashionable both , great post
Thank you
Being fashionable without compromising on comfort is being stylish. Like your idea of comfort fashion.
Thanks a bunch.
This indeed is really great recommendations.i would love to get these for my younger brother
Oh sure. Anytime.
Looking smart and comfy. All are good as casual wear. Monsoon needs such dress tips.
Indeed. Thanks.
Really love this post you have styled every outfit so well. Also love the t-shirts
Thank you so much.
Game sportswear is coming up with some real comfort wear which will appeal to the masses. Nice post.
Yes dear. Indeed.
Stylish and comfy oufits. The shades of T-shirts is so vibrant. Great collections of comfort fashion.
Thanks again. Glad that you liked it.
I am quite liking these t-shirts looks very cool on you. Nice comfy feel and colours are stylish.
Indeed. Thanks.
Yes it’s true fashion should be a mixture of comfort and style.
Hey thanks for such useful style information. I used to get confused while purchasing things for my hubby. Thanks for giving me clarity
Thank you
This is an interesting post. Liked your style and your way of writing.
Happy to be connected with you
Ms Arora
Happy to be connected with you too.
All these outfits are super comfy and can be weared any time…. you can also take up a haul on such comfy dresses
Thank you so much. Yes, I got many requests of a haul. I’ll be doing that soon. Thank you.
Nice way of expressing your thoughts on fashion….. so true it is fashion is a mixture of style and comfort.
Agreed, style is meaningless if it is not comfortable. I like the combinations u r wearing. Great!!!
Thank you so much.
I agree! It’s all about comfort and self confidence! If you are not confident, you won’t look good in a 100$ suit too! Loved the post!
That is so true. Thank you.
Extremely stylish and comfortable I would say I love these super cool tips and its such a wonderful writeup
Thanks for admiring.
This was a very useful casual wear guide .I needed some cool brand recommendations and this was perfect
Glad that you liked. Thank you.
These outfits do look comfy. I like to style that’s comfortable and doesn’t compromise on style quotient.
Comfort fashion* is everything for me. Being comfortable yet looking stylish is my mantra too. I like Your outfit choice. I usually take lot of time in choosing my outfits but we should all have few key classic pieces which work wonders at all times.
I agree with you entirely. Thank you.
Stylish look comfy is important. And the attire suits you. Thanks for reviewing it with brand details, it will help many.
Indeed. Thanks.
I truly believe that comfort comes first then comes style, fashion trends and so on. All the tees you showcased looked trendy and cool.
I agree with you. Thanks.
I liked the combinations you have picked. Comfortable fashion is always the best. unless you are comfortable how will you carry it off!
Thank you. Comfort is always the first preference.